Ticket out the Door

1. Explain how to determine the scale of the number line in a box-and-whisker plot.


2. Describe which two points the two whiskers of a box-and-whisker plot connect.


3.What does Q2 represent?


4. Refer to the box-and-whisker plot below. Assume that the LV, Q1, Q2, Q3, and GV are whole numbers. (Worth 3 points)

a. What percent of the data is between 85 and 90?

b. Between what two values does the middle 50% of the data lie?

c. What outliers are represented in the box-and-whisker plot?


5. Describe what characteristics of a set of data you can gather from its box-and-whisker plot. What are some things you cannot gather from a box-and-whisker plot?

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