Problem: Million Drops of Water (click here to see the problem statement)

My Solution.

According to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, in the table of Apothecaries' Liquid Measure:

1 drop is approximately 1 minum = 0.0616 ml

1 minum = 1/60 dram, so 1 million drops = 16,666.666 drams

1 dram = 1/8 fluid ounce, so 1 million drops = 2,083.333 fluid ounces

1 fluid ounce = 1/16 pint, so 1 million drops = 130.208 pints

1 pint = 1/8 gallon, so 1 million drops = 16.274 gallons



Therefore, I would be likely to

a Drink it in approximately two weeks, assuming I gulp a gallon a day;

a Take a bath in it - Not! I prefer to shower, thank you very much;

a Swim in it - perhaps if I weighed about 10lbs.