Start by constructing a circle.
Insert a point on the circle, and construct a segment
that will be the radius of the circle.
Use the TRANSFORM menu to Mark the center
of your circle.
Make sure that you highlight the radius. Then
with the TRANSFORM menu, choose rotate.
Since we know we want a regular quadrilateral, rotate
the segment by 90 degrees.
Notice that the segment is copied, and transformed.
Make sure that the segment is still highlighted,
and repeat this process again for the next segment.
and the next,
and the next.
Now create points at the intersections of the radii
and the circle.
With all the points highlighted, choose CONSTRUCT,
and the segment option.
Now, we have constructed a square.
For added viewing enjoyment, highlight all the vertices
of the square, and CONSTRUCT a polygon interior.
Almost finished!
Hide all the points, and if you want, hide the circle
as well. The construction of the regular quadrilateral is complete.