Chinese Tangrams

Name Computer Number


Construct a 10 X 10 square, ABCD. Choose each vertex, construct "polygon interior".

Measure "area" = . Delete the shaded polygon area.

Construct segment AC.

Construct the midpoint of AC, name as point G. Construct segment GD.

Construct midpoints of AB and BC, name as point E and F, respectively.

Construct segment EF.

Construct midpoint of segment EF, name as point H. Construct segment HG.

Choose point E and segment AC and construct "perpendicular line". Choose this line and segment AC and construct "point at intersection", label as point I.

Choose this point of intersection and point E and construct "segment". Choose the perpendicular line and display "hide line".

Choose point H and segment BC and construct "parallel line". Choose this line and segment AC and construct "point at intersection", label as point J.

Choose this point of intersection and point H and construct "segment". Choose the parallel line and display "hide line".

How many polygons do you have?

State the number and type of polygons.

To measure the area of a polygon, you must choose each vertex in order and construct "polygon interior" and measure "area".

Area of AEL = Area of EBF = Area of HGJ =

Area of AGD = Area of DGC =

Area of EHGI = Area of HFCJ =

Total Area =

What can you conclude about the total area of the polygons and the original area of the square?

Record the area of the tangram pieces in the table below.

Find the percentage of each piece to the whole area. Record in the table.

 Tangram Piece

Area of Piece

Fraction of Total

Percentage of Total








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