I have taught high school math for 13 years at Morgan County High School
in Madison, Georgia. I am currently working on my specialist degree. This is my
second semester in the program. I have three boys that range in age from 15 to 2
years old.
Instructional Unit: Graphs of Equations
Day1: Distance of a segment
Day2: Midpoint of a segment
Day 3: Linear Equations
Day 4: Slope of a Line
Day 5: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Day 6: Finding Equations of Lines
Day 7: Unit Review
Day 8: Unit Exam
Day 9: Extensions and Explorations
Essay1: Copernicus
Essay 2: Tangent Circles
Essay 3: Ratio Puzzles with Triangles
Essay 4: Similar Circles
Essay 5: Coordinate Proofs with Circles