Bill Tankersley's EMT 668 Page
Write-up 5
Creating and Using GSP Scripts

This page contains links to various scripts in Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP) that I have produced and used in other assignments. Scripts are used as tools for doing basic constructions that are used within more complex constructions. Links to various GSP scripts will be added to this page as the quarter progresses.

Bill's GSP Script Library

1. Centroid

2. Orthocenter

3. Circumcenter

4. Circumcircle

5. Incenter

6. Incircle

7. Parabola

8. Euler Line

9. Medial Triangle

10. Orthocenter, Mid-segment triangle

11. Orthic triangle

12. Pedal Triangle

13. Nine point circle and its' center (N)

14. Trisecting a line segment

15. Equilateral triangle, given two vertices

16. Triangle Centers (H,G,C, and I)

17. Locus of vertex of a fixed angle that subtends a fixed segment

18. Divide a segment AB into two parts that form a golden ratio

19. Pentagon, given a radius

20. Pentagon, given a side

21. Hexagon, given a side

22. Octagon, given a side

23. Tangent circle to two given circles

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