Unit 6 - Some extensions

As you are well aware we have had to deal with a VERY simplified version of the original problem. So far in our study we have not taken account of some of the following:


1. Orbits that do not have their major axes along the same horizontal (but still in the same plane)

This problem is resolved using an important principle in mathematics - the shifting of axes.

2. Ground tracks

If you have ever seen a picture of Mission Control (Houston) for the shuttles you will have noticed that on one of the walls there is a map of the world with the path of the shuttle (the ground track) superimposed on it. Furthermore you will have noticed that the shape of this path is "sinusoidal" - and yet in from our discussions you will be aware that the shuttle travels in a plane. This strange observation is caused by among other factors; the inclination of the orbit and the inclination of the Earth.

3. The issue of time - this is a critical aspect not yet dealt with

This is a fascinating topic. There are really two aspects to this problem: 1) given a certain time can we predict where the object will be in its orbit, and 2) can we predict at what time objects will reach particular points in their orbits?

The solutions to these two questions rely on Kepler's second law and a clever trick that involves circles, what is particularly interesting is that the process is really one of approximation - certainly some very good approximations, but nevertheless approximations.

4. Rendezvous between objects

We began this whole lesson series with the setting of getting the Mars Pathfinder from Earth to Mars. If you have dealt with the previous problem you are now in a position to finally deal with the original problem.

5. Orbits within orbits

This challenge is suited to both a geometrical investigation using GSP or by means of algebraic investigation using polar coordinates (in the latter case it would be a good idea to first do extension activity 1). The principle is simply this - as the Earth orbits the Sun, so the Earth's moon orbits the Earth - what path does the Earth's moon trace with respect to the Sun.


Edwards, C. H. and Penney, D. E. , (1985). Calculus and Analytic Geometry. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Jet Propulsion Laboratories, (1995). Basics of Space Flight Learners' Workbook. California, JPL.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (1985). Space Mathematics - A Resource for Secondary School Teachers. Washington, NASA.


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