isolated -
no neighbors
neighbor -
u and v are neighbors if there is an edge {u,v} in the graph
vertex -
node, point ....
arc -
arrow, directed line, directed edge, directed link.....
graph -
a pair (V, E) where V is a set and E is a set of ordered pairs of elements in V. V will be called the set of vertices and E will be called the set of edges.
planar graph-
a graph formed by a polyhedron that is embedded such that all of the edges form straight lines.
directed graph or digraph -
a pair (V,A) where V is a set and A is a set of ordered pairs of elements in V. V will be called the set of vertices and A will be called the set of arcs. In a directed graph, no multiple arcs are allowed.
Multigraph or Multidigraph -
multiple edges/arcs are allowed within this directed graph.
Jordan curve -
a simple closed curve that divides the plane into two regions. A homeomorphic mapping from a circle is one to one.
chain -
a sequence in a graph G {u1,e1,u2,e2,....ut,et,ut+1}
where the set of vertices {u1, ...,ut+1} is a non-empty set and the set of edges {e1, ... , et+1} is a non- empty set.
closed chain -
if u1 = ut+1 where u1 is the beginning of the chain and ut+1 is the end of the chain.
circuit -
simple closed chain
Eulerian Chain -
in a Multigraph an Eulerian chain uses every edge once and only once.
Eulerian Closed Chain -