Jim Wilson

Department of Mathematics Education
Post-Tenure Review (PTR) was implemented in the Fall 1997 for faculty in
the University System of Georgia. The University of Georgia is one of 33
institutions in this System.
At the University of Georgia, guidelines were developed by the University
Council and then adapted to each promotion and tenure unit. Beginning in
1997, 20 percent of the tenured faculty were evaluated for PTR. An additional
20 percent will be reviewed in each of the following years in order to implement
a PTR five-year cycle.
In my own promotion and tenure unit, the faculty with longest tenure were
evaluated first. I reached tenure status in 1971 and so I was in the first
My PTR committee was appointed and charged with the review in September
1997. They have completed their work and submitted a report to the administration.
The committee endorsed my record with a unanimous vote, for which I am pleased
and grateful.