Nevada Star

Analysis of Nevada Star

1) red segments represent reflection mirrors
2) light green segments represent glide mirrors that are not reflection mirrors
3) dark blue segments represent translation generators
4) dark green segments represent shortest glide vectors that are not translation
5) yellow points represent cyclic centers
6) light blue points represent dihedral centers
7) fundamental region is shaded pink
8) quilt block is shaded yellow
Symmetries present: reflection,
Description of symmetries: There
are 8 mirrors and an 8-fold dihedral rotation center at the intersection of
the mirrors. Thus this pattern is a wheel pattern, not a wallpaper pattern.
Description of fundamental region:
an "inifintely extending" whose sides
are mirrors, and center of the sector is the rotation center of the pattern.
Note that above the sector looks like a triangle, but imagine it extending
outward forever.
Description of symmetries in a block:This
quilt is not made with blocks. Note that stitching follows the rhombic pieces
within the star. In the space outside the star, there are stitched flowers.
These stitched "embellishments" technically do not break the 8-fold
dihedral symmetry.