To continue with our investigation, let's look at the quotients of f(x) and g(x) where

f(x) = -3

g(x) = 5

h(x) = -3/5


Again we start off with straight lines.


What happens when we make n=6

f(x) = 6x - 3

g(x) = 6x + 5

h(x) = (6x - 3)/(6x + 5)


It appears that we have a hyperbola instead of a straight line.


Let's check this out with n = 20 to see if it is a trend

f(x) = 20x - 3

g(x) = 20x + 5

h(x) = (20x - 3)/(20x + 5)


Not only do we get another hyperbola, but it looks like in both cases where we had a hyperbola that h(x) also has an asymptote

From what we know about functions, we know that h(x) is discontinuous when its denominator is equal to zero.

Therefore in the last case h(x) is discontinuous when:

20x + 5 = 0

20x = -5

x = -5/20

x = -1/4

To see if there will always be discontinuity let's look at the general case

f(x) = ax + b

g(x) = cx + d

h(x) = (ax + b)/(cx + d)

therefore the function would be discontinuous when:

cx + d = 0

cx = -d

x = -d/c

Therefore, if f(x) and g(x) are linear functions their quotient, h(x), will always have an asymptote located at x = -d/c