Day Four: The Relationship of two circles

by Nami Youn


to explore the directional relationship of two circles

1. Direction of two circles

Let O & O' be the center and  r & r' be the radius of given circles, respectively.  r > r'.
Let d be the distance between the centers of two circles.

Case 1  A circle is outside another one


r+r' <  d

gsp file

Case 2  A circle is circumscribed in another one



r+r' =  d

gsp file

Case 3  Two circles have two coomon points



r - r'< d < r + r'

gsp file

Case 4  A circle is inscribed in another one



r - r' = d

gsp file

Case 5  A circle is inside another one



r - r' < d

gsp file

Case 6  Concentric circles


d = 0

gsp file

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