The Problem

Jessica has an odd number of stamps in her collection. The sum of the digits in the number of stamps she has is 12. The hundreds digit is three times the ones digit. If she has between 1000 and 2000 stamps in her collection, how many stamps does Jessica have?
(Source: Adapted from Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Nov-Dec1996)

The Solution

We can write a few equations that will help us to solve this problem, from the information given to us. First, we know that Jessica has an odd number of stamps in her collection, this is information that we need to keep in mind as we continue to evaluate the information that has been given to us.

Second, we are told that the sum of the digits in her stamp collection is 12, so we can write the following equation:

a + b + c + d = 12

where a, b, c, and d are the digits of the total number of stamps she has.

Third, we know that in Jessica's collection the hundreds digit is three times the ones digit. That narrows the possible digits for both of those place values. The available digits for the ones place are 0, 1, 2, and 3 as any larger numbers would produce values greater than 9 for the hundreds digit. Since we know that the total number of stamps is odd, we can rule out 0 and 2 as choices for the ones digit.

Finally, we are told that Jessica has between 1000 and 2000 stamps in her collection. Since 2000 is an even number, we know that Jessica really must have between 1001 and 1999 stamps in her collection. Thus the value of a above is 1.


Now we can plug in our two possible values for d, and we get the following results:

If d=1 then:

1 + 3 + c + 1 = 12

5 + c = 12

c = 7

Thus Jessica has 1371 stamps in her collection. This is one possible solution, but we must rule out the other possibility of d=3.

When d=3 then:

1 + 9 + c + 3 = 12

13 + c =12

c = -1

This is not a possible solution, as we cannot have a negative digit in a positive number. Thus, we now know for certain that Jessica has 1371 stamps in her collection.
