Ticket out the Door

1.Describe the information you can determine by looking at a stem-and-leaf plot.


2.Name two or three ways in which a graph can be misleading.


3.List the steps used to make a stem-and-leaf plot.


Suppose the number 25,678 is rounded to 25,700 and plotted using stem 25 and leaf 7. Write the stem and leaf for each number below if the numbers are part of the same set of data.

4. 12,221






7. Write the stems that would be used for a plot of the following set of data.

57, 43, 34, 12, 29, 8


8. Use the stemm-and-leaf plot below to answer each question.

Number of Prom Tickets Sold During a 20-Day Period

a.What does the entry 3|5 represent?

b. What was the least number of tickets sold?

c. What was the greatest number of tickets sold during the 20-day period?

d. What was the total number of tickets sold?


9. Architecture The World Almanac lists 23 tall buildings in Denver, Colorado. Each number below represents the number of floors for one of these buildings.

54, 52, 43, 41, 40, 36, 35, 31, 32, 34, 42, 32, 29, 26, 28, 33, 31, 30, 30, 29, 27, 26, 56


a. Make a stem-and-leaf plot of these data.

b. What was the least number of floors?

c. What was the greatest number of floors?

d. How many buildings had 35 floors or more?

e. How many buildings were in the 20-29 floor range?



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