GSP Scripts

July 17, 2003


This page contains links to GSP Script files with Tools for creating a number of useful constructions.  In general the major construction lines that are instructive to understanding its basis are still visible in dotted lines.  For simple derivations with many applications, such as the circumcircle and incircle, the construction lines are hidden.  The header with the link to a GSP file typically has 4 – 7 tools within it.  The linked files are the originals contained within the Assign5 folder, but copies are made into the Sketchpad\Tools folder for tool persistence across


·         Centroid

·         Orthocenter

·         Circumcenter

·         Incenter

·         Triangle Centers (H, G, C, and I)

·         Triangle Centers with Euler Line


·         Medial triangle

·         Orthocenter, Mid-segment triangle.

·         Orthic triangle

·         Pedal triangle

·         Center of Nine point circle

·         Nine Point Circle


·         Circumcircle

·         Incircle


·         Trisecting a line segment

·         Divide a segment AB into two parts that form a golden ratio.

·         Locus of vertex of a fixed angle that subtends a fixed segment ??


·         Equilateral triangle, given a side

·         Isosceles triangle, given base and altitude

·         Square, given a side

·         Pentagon, given a radius.

·         Pentagon, given a side.

·         Hexagon, given a side.

·         Octagon, given a side.