Area of Circles
Day 7
Warm Up Activity:
Lesson Outline:
- Pi Activity: The students will
begin by measuring the circumference and radius of various circles. These
two pieces of information will be used to estimate a value of pi.
- The formula for finding the area of a circle will be
- The students will then work on the set of exercises
on the area of a circle. The exercises will be given on the first day.
They will also include questions for the second part of circles (sectors).
This is so students who may need more time with the problems will not feel
rushed, and students that grasp quickly may work ahead. The following exercises
are from Michael Serra's Discovering Geometry.
Optional Activity :
Students who have mastered this skill will start a two
day research project. The students will research the history of the value
of pi. This will be presented at the beginning of day 9 before the review
of the unit.
(for students who may have already mastered
the objectives)