Directions for Test Corrections

The purpose of test corrections is to help you learn from your mistakes. You will need to find your own mistakes and correct them. For each question on the test, you will see the grade as x/y (e.g., 6/7). This means you received x points out of a possible y points (in the example above, received 6 out of a possible 7 points).

  1. You may NOT receive assistance from anyone other than the instructor.

  2. You may use your notes, your textbook and your calculator but NO other source (including the class website).

  3. Corrections MUST be written on a separate piece of paper attached to the original test. Do not write on the test.

  4. Corrections are DUE by the next class period (unless instructed otherwise). No late corrections will be accepted.

  5. You will receive up to 1/2 of the credit missed for each question ONLY IF you include the following: