The purpose of the course project is to synthesize what you have learned about secondary school curriculum topics, teaching mathematics, learning mathematics, and the appropriate use of technology to enhance these topics and processes. The following project and presentation will serve as your cumulative final exam and are worth 150 points of your final grade.
An Overview
of the Project
You and a partner(s) will plan
and create a 2-3 day (assume 70 minute class periods) investigation
of a mathematics topic that utilizes at least two technology tools
explored in this course. This project will include a clearly written
lesson plan and student materials, if needed. In addition to the
investigation, you will need to write a paper (one per pair of
students) that supports the methods used in teaching the topic
and how technology is extending or enhancing the learning of this
topic. You should use the NCTM Principles and Standards document
and, if appropriate, any other readings from books or journals
to support your methods. Your paper will also include a reflections
section about what you learned in creating your course project.
Each pair of students will share the investigation in a 15 minute class presentation. Approximately five minutes of that presentation should engage your classmates in a "glimpse" of the investigation you have planned. The remaining time should be used to discuss your rationale for the methods and technology used, personal reflections, and questions/comments from the group.
for Getting Started:
Choose a "big idea"
in Algebra that interests you (e.g., functions, conics, statistics,
formulas, matrices, derivatives, data analysis, etc.). Make a
list of some of the major concepts and skills within that "big
idea". As you review the sources listed below, you should
further refine and focus your "big idea" into a topic
for a solid 2-3 day investigation at the grade level of your choice.
Look through the website supporting the NCTM Principles and Standards for suggestions related to your topic of study, including the Illuminations site and the Electronic Examples. You will need to cite which of the 6 Principles and 10 Standards you address in your investigation.
Do a search on your topic both on the internet and/or in print journals such as Mathematics Teacher, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, and Learning and Leading with Technology (we have these journals in the math education library). Look for suggested ways to teach your topic. Look through textbooks and workbook materials for suggested activities that address your topic (look in Room 111/113 and the 2nd floor curriculum library) . You are required to reference at least 2 sources from which you found ideas, examples, etc.
And, most importantly, keep asking yourself critical questions about HOW and WHY technology enhances or extends the teaching and learning of your topic. Remember, you need to formulate a solid rationale in support of the teaching methods and technology you will use in your 2-3 day investigation of this mathematics topic.
I. Lesson Plans, Rationale, and Reflections
1. Describe your "big idea", the important concepts and skills related to that big idea, and the focused topic for your investigation. Describe the grade level and course where your investigation could be taught. Also describe the prerequisite skills and concepts that are essential for students to be successful in your investigation. (1-2 paragraphs) |
2. List and briefly discuss the NCTM Principles and Standards that are addressed in your investigation and that support the methods and technology used. (1 page max) |
3. Include a lesson plan that includes classroom procedures, guiding questions for students,and an outline of what you and the students will be doing throughout the investigation. The format of this plan is flexible. Be sure to also include samples of any worksheets or handouts that would be used by students. |
4. Discuss a well-formulated rationale in support of your methods and technology used for investigating the mathematics topic. The rationale should contain evidence of a synthesis of the information you learned from the NCTM Principles and Standards, textbooks, and literature, as well as other sources you may have referenced. (1-3 pages) |
5. Write a reflection on developing the investigation. What did you and your partner learn about the mathematics topic? What did you learn about teaching this topic and students' understandings of this topic? What did you learn about the use of technology for this topic? (1 page ) |
Optional: Write a one page description of a part of your lesson plan from the perspective of the student - in first person please. |
II. 15 minute class presentation
Provide a clear "glimpse" at the investigation that actively engages the class in using the technology. (~5 minutes) |
Provide a clear concise summary of your rationale for the methods and technology used. (~5 minutes) |
Provide a brief "glimpse" at your personal reflections on developing this investigation. (~5 minutes) |