The Ant on the Wheel
Group members
(underline your name):
Objective: To
build an experiential basis for the cycloid and related functions
Material each group:
one wheel, tape measures or meter sticks; tape, string, stickers
for marking the angles; four data record sheets; four graph papers;
one overhead foil; one sticker (ant) for each group;
- Collect the materials for your group;
- Find a place in the classroom or hall that
provides enough space to four three-four meter sticks, possibly
more; work along a wall if possible;
- If you are in the hall please be considerate
of other classes; keep down your voices as much as possible;
- Divide your wheel into a suitable number
of parts (at least eight, more will be better);
- Place a sticker on the rim of the wheel to
mark the ant;
- Roll out the tapes on a straight line or
place several meter sticks front to back;
- Position the wheel at 0 with the ant at the
lowest point of the wheel;
- Turn the wheel a pre-determined amount; record
the relevant data after every turn;
- Complete at least two turns of the wheel;
- Graph your data; be sure to think about suitable
scales for the two axes; also, every group member should choose
a different graph so that you can share the results;
- Graph one set of data on the provided overhead
for presentation in class.
Data Record Sheet
Distance from start |
Angle turned |
Height of center |
Height of ant |
center |
ant |