EMAT 4680 Final Course Project: Part Two Due on or before December 8, 2000

The purpose of this piece of your final exam is to highlight your own mathematical understanding by selecting any two assignments that you have done this semester and reflect on them. The following project serves as a Part Two of your cumulative final exam and is worth 50 points of your final grade.

Project: Portfolio of Your Work

For this project, select any TWO assignments from this semester of EMAT 4680 that you feel best demonstrate your use of technology to explore a mathematical topic. For each assignment you will need to show evidence in the following two areas:

1) A description of HOW you used technology to explore the mathematical topic and enhance your own understanding.

10 pts per assignment

2) A written reflection on WHY the technology tool(s) helped your conceptual understanding of this topic.

15 pts per assignment

No references needed here (except to your own assignments).... Just your own thoughts on your own mathematical explorations and understanding.