Problem Solving Notebook

MS 801 / Essentials of Mathematics


1. To engage you in mathematical problem solving activities

2. To increase your understanding of the NCTM Principles and Standards and their application in your classroom.

3. To help you develop a useful and appropriate resource for the mathematics classroom


The notebook will be divided into the following six sections:

0. Introduction

1. Number and Operations

2. Algebra

3. Geometry

4. Measurement

5. Data Analysis and Probability

Sections Requirements:

In the introduction you will need to discuss:

1) the course or grade level for which you are developing problem solving activities

2) your philosophy about and plan for the incorportation of problem solving into your classroom

The format for the remaining sections is as follows:

Please go the the following website...

This is the Number and Operations Standard for grades 6 - 8. On the left side of the table

are three broad objectives. On the right hand side of the table are 14 corresponding and

more specific objectives. This models the format of your problem solving notebook. For

each specific (bulleted) objective you are to provide two problems/activities that support

the objective. So a format might look like this...

Number and Operations Standard for Grades 6­8

Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems

· work flexibly with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems

Problem #1

problem statement, possible solution(s), and reflections

Problem #2

problem statement, possible solution(s), and reflections

· compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents efficiently and find their approximate locations on a number line

Problem #1

problem statement, possible solution(s), and reflections

Problem #2

problem statement, possible solution(s), and reflections

Reflections might consist of your thoughts about the problem, its solution, its extensions, your approaches, how and where you would use it in your classroom, etc...


The problems/activities that you provide may come from any source... just make sure that you site the source. If you create the problem/activity, site yourself :)

Be creative, be resourceful, have fun!!

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