Page #3 of Gus Photos

(~4 months old) On this page Gus is going to share some of his First Thanksgiving Memories
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This is me and my grandpa - this was the first time they all said we look alike in our eyebrows. I don't know what eyebrows are yet, but I sure do love my grandpa!


All that Turkey eating that I watched made me want something besides milk - so when I got home I ate cereal for the first time!! Yeah, I'm cool - check out that bib!!


This is the first time I got to meet my "Cousin Heidi" - we got along famously!


I went to a Georgia Bulldogs party at Aunt Lisa's and got my mouth around a beer bottle for the first time...

Go Dawgs!!


This was definitely a first! That's Jubilee on Aunt Lisa's shoulder. She is a Cockatoo and she is not a toy!


Well. hanging out with my cat and a guy watching football is not a first - Dad and I do this a lot. But it is new to have "Uncle Brett" around the house. Did you know we have 4 dogs in our yard now??