Math 3110 Informal Geometry
Fall 2003
Readings/Reaction Papers List

Reading 1
Young Children's Developing Understanding of Geometric Shapes - Navigating through Geometry in Prekindergarten - Grade 2 CD (NCTM, 2001)
Based on the activities we have engaged in and discussed in class and also on the research reported in Reading #1, discuss what you think it means for "Young Children to Develop Understanding of Geometric Shape." Include a discussion of why this development is important and comment on how the results of the research might impact your future classroom activity. (This paper should be 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, font size 12)

Reading 2
Select one of the following:
Educating Hannah: It's a What? - Navigating through Geometry in Prekindergarten - Grade 2 CD (NCTM, 2001)

Shape Up! - Navigating through Geometry in Grades 3-5 CD (NCTM, 2001)

Both of the articles suggested for this reading refer to misconceptions that students develop about the names, properties, and relationships between shapes. Both sets of authors believe and argue that elementary school teachers should use great care when introducing terminology to young students. In fact, the argure that "the best time to learn mathematics is this first time it is introduced, the best way to teach mathematics is to teach it right the first time." As a future (or current) teacher, please type a one page reaction to this sometimes debated philosophy as it was discussed in the article you read. 

Reading 4
Perimeter and Area Through the Van Hiele Model - Navigating through Geometry in Grades 6-8 CD (NCTM, 2002)
As a reaction to this article and to the activites we did in class this week, please develop a classroom activity to develop the concept of Area and/or Perimeter at the first four levels (0,1,2,and3) of the Van Hiele Model of Geometric Thinking. You can reference the article but create your own 4 activities, please. You do not need to write lesson plans or attach worksheets...Just describe the activities in enough detail that the reader can envision the activity.
See the following websites for further reference:

Reading 5
Please go to the following website where you find a video clip of some 6th graders investigating perimeter - it is 64seconds in length. Then watch the video. (Note: I had to watch it twice, no three, times in order to see everything going on). There is a script so you can read what the students are saying.

Just below the video are 3 reflection questions to think about while you watch the tape and most certainly after. You do not need to write-up something to turn in to me. Take notes, jot down your thoughts, etc... We will have small group discussions next week at the beginning of class. Your grade for this assignment will come from your active participation in our discussion.


Reading 6

The Art of Tessellation - Navigating through Geometry in Grades 3-5 CD (NCTM, 2001)
