What to Investigate
Part 1. Draw two quadrilaterals of about the same shape as the ones shown below. Using your straightedge and compass, bisect each side of each figure. Join the midpoints of the four sides of each figure in order, so that two new quadrilaterals are formed. What do you notice?
Part 2. Investigate the kind of quadrilateral formed by the angle bisectors of a parallelogram (make sure to construct a parallelogram - not just a figure that looks like one. What is the relationship of this quadrilateral to the type of original parallelogram? Justify any conjectures that you make.
Prove one of your conjectures. (bonus)
How to Turn in Your Work
You will need to e-mail me your gsp file. All text needs to written in a text box on the GSP sketch(es). Thus, you need to turn in just one file. All GSP files should be labeled EXACTLYas follows:
your first initial of your first name your last name_gsp LAB #.gsp
example, if I needed to turn in Lab #1, I would e-mail myself
(at lsheehy@ngcsu.edu) the following file: