GSP Lab #5
Dissection Demonstration of Pythagorean Theorem

For this lab you need to go to your activity book and turn to page 131 to view the lab. Please complete all of the steps in the construction and answer the one discussion question at the bottom of the page. Please write atleast 2 sentences for your answer... meaning do a little explaining.

How to Turn in and Label your Work

You will need to e-mail me your gsp file including your very short write-up. Again, please label your file as follows...

GSP File: your last name and first initial_gsp5.gsp

For example,  I would e-mail myself (at the following file:


Note!! Please label the Subject exactly as follows: gsp5

no spaces! no capital letters! just gsp5... please!!!!!!

I will not accept the file if it is not labeld correctly!!!