#11 (Due October 21 ~ Monday) 20pts
During the week of Oct 12 -21, we will be working in groups on the following Activities (they can be found in the activity book that supplements your text)
Chapter Ten - Activities 1, 2, 4, and 5
A #12 (Due October 21 ~ Monday) 10pts
In the text, please work the following problems
Page 530 - 532 #1, 3, 7, 13, 21
Page 538-539 #4, 11, 13
Page 548-549 #3, 10, 30
I will check only to see that you have attempted each problem... feel free to talk with each other or with me, consult different sources, use the answers in the back of the text to help you "work backwards," etc... If you cannot solve a problem, you need to atleast copy the problem down!!
A #13 (Taken October 23rd ~ Wednesday) 10pts
This will be an in-class quiz taken with the group you have been working with all week. The quiz will cover the material and concepts from Assignments 11 and 12.
A #14 (Due October 30th ~ Wednesday) 10pts
Read the Grades 6-8 Geometry Standard as well as the 6-8 Measurement Standard from the NCTM Principles and Standards which can be found online at www.nctm.org Then write a maximum of one page reaction paper.
A #15 (Due November 4th~ Monday) 5pts
Bring to class a list of 3 activites that have has a goal helping a student develop the concept of circle... you decide what age level
A #16 (Due November 11th~ Monday) 15pts
The Conjecturing con Circles Activity write-ups - click here
The list of definitions - click here
A #17 (Due November 11th~ Monday) not graded
Please read the article handed out in class called "Do Mathematics with Interative Geomtry." We will discuss this article in class. Since there is no reaction paper to write, please don't omit this assignment from your list of things to get done this week :)
A #18 (Due November 18th~ Monday) 10pts
Click here to find the five measurement problems that you are to work on. Please write up your solutions and/or ideas about the problems to turn in on Monday.
A #19 (Done in class on 11/13) 5pts
Handout on concept of measurement
A #20 (Due November 18th~ Monday) 10pts
page 601-603 #1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 28 & 29