A #1 (Due August 22 ~ Thursday) 15pts
Read the article Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding by R. Skemp. Then in your own words explain these two types of understanding - an example from mathematics would be nice. Follow this with a reaction to one of the following prompts:
Please print your paper (~2 pages) and bring it to class on Thursday. All papers should be written in a simple size 12 font (like Times New Roman) and should be double spaced. Thanks - that helps me be able to give you feedback!
A #2 (Due August 22 ~ Thursday) 10pts
Similar to what we did in class, please collect a set of bivariant (two variables) data. You may get this data via survey or by research. Please have no less than 10 pairs of data and no more than 20. Then create a scatter "dot" plot making sure to identify your independent and dependent variables. Please bring this scatter plot along with your data to class on Thursday.
A #3 (Due August 27 ~ Tuesday) 15pts
Read the chapter Using Functions to Make Mathematical Connections by Roger Day. For this reaction paper please respond to the following prompts:
A #4 (Due August 27 ~ Tuesday) 10pts
Read the chapter Looking at Mathematics and Learning. Then tell me anything that you choose to that you thought about as you read this chapter.
A #5 (Due August 29 ~ Thursday) 10pts
We collected data sets in class on Tuesday from a variety of seven labs (click here for list of labs). Please come to class on Thursday with scatterplots of your 3-5 data sets. If you have access to Excel, try to use it to create your scatterplots.
A #6 (Due September 3rd ~ Tuesday) 21pts
From the Principles and Standards (which can be found on-line at www.nctm.org) , please go to the section titled "Standards." Then read the Data Analysis & Probability, the Problem Solving, and the Connections sections. We will discuss them on Thursday in class so please be prepared.
A #7 (Due September 5th ~ Thursday) 10pts
You were assigned a function to investigate the properites and characteristics of ~ click here for a list. Please use any resources you would like to (texts, the internet, etc.) to investigate the numerical, graphical, and algebraic properties of your function. For an example with a linear function, click here. Bring the information you have collected to class on Thursday and you will then have the opportunity to compare with other students who ivestigated the same function.
A#8 & A#9 (Due September 12th and 16th) 10pts each
Problems from the handout on functions and specifically linear functions
A#10 (Due September 19th) 10pts
Please complete the handout on "Chirping" that you were given in class on Tuesday. Next Tuesday we will have a quiz similar to this handout.