Please run each of the following labs and record your results

Bring these results to class on Nov. 7th


Flipping Coins

Please flip a coin a total of 40 times. Record the result (H or T). At the conclusion of every 10 flips, record the total number of H's and the total number of T's. Also provide final totals.

Rolling Dice

Please locate 2 dice and roll them a total of 20 times. Record the value of each die (3 and 4 will be considered the same roll as 4 and 3) and also record the sum of the two dice.

Random Sampling

We will be modeling the "drawing different colored balls from a bag" lab. Please locate 5 objects that are the same in feel but that can be distinguished from one another - like five squares of paper with different numbers on them, or five paper clips of different color, or Fruit Loops - you get the idea. Then place those objects in a bag, box, something so you can't see them and do the following drawings: