Math 3150
Midterm Exam
Functions & Modeling

Part One: Modeling with Functions (72 points)
In class I handed out six sets of bi-variant data. For each data set, complete each of the following (
2pts each)
1. Define your variables. Identify which variable is independent and which is dependent and why.
2. Sketch (or attach) a scatter plot of the data. Be sure to label both axes by variable name and unit of measurement.
3. Determine which type of function (linear, quadratic or exponential) best models the data. Provide justification for your decision.
4. State the algebraic model for the data.
5. Select one given ordered pair of data and determine the amount of error the model generates for that pair.
6. Use the model to make a prediction about future behavior. Report this prediction in a complete sentence.

Part Two: Thinking Pedagogically about Functions
(25 points)
We have read the Data Analysis Standards for grades K-5 (please read ahead to grades 6-8 if you want to focus on middle grades.) Based on these readings, class discussion, and your knowledge of functions, you are to create a series/set of 3 activities for a grade level of your choice. The goal of these activities should be to provide students opportunities to develop conceptual understanding of the concept of Linear Functions/Relationships. Please identify

Part Three: Integrity (3 points)

"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend."
Henry David Thoreau

In signing this paper, I am acknowledging that I worked on and completed this Math3150 Midterm Exam on my own. The only resources I used were the Internet, my class notes, my class assignments help menus from software, and textbooks or other resource books. I did not seek the help of or use any person (directly or indirectly), except Miss Sheehy, as a resource.

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Date __________________