Grades 9 - 12
Algebra II, Trigonometry, or Pre-College Math
Include about a half-page report on the works of one of the following mathematicians: Leonhard Euler, Nicole Oresme, Rene Descartes, or Pierre de Fermat.
Look for photographs or pictures in magazines that contain the general shape of each type. The pictures for each type should be included in that section.
Your scrapbook should contain the following:
1. title page,
2. information on a mathematician,
3. section of linear equations, graphs and pictures,
4. section of quadratic equations, graphs and pictures,
5. section of absolute value functions, graphs, and pictures,
6. your paper contrasting absolute value functions and quadratic functions,
7. a paragraph telling which of the three types is your favorite and why, and
8. three original pictures made solely from any combination of the three types of graphs with directions for making each.
Scrapbooks will be awarded points on the following criteria:
Organization 10
Contents 14
Accuracy of graphs 18
Neatness 10
Overall Appearance 10
Creativity 10
Accuracy of picture directions 18
Total Points 100