The Great Shapes Contest
2 - 3 sheets of figures per student (figures sheet follows)
Scissors for each student
2 - 3 rolls of tape per group
Paper for sketching
Divide class into 6 - 8 per group.
Provide each teacm with scissors, tape, and shapes sheets.
Instruct students to cut along dark lines only.
Tell each group that on your signal, they will assemble as many different
three-dimensional polyhedra as they can using the shapes on the great shapes
sheet. No surface of the polyhedra may be curved, and all polyhedra must
be enclosed. You may want to allow a minute or two before beginning for
groups to organize their tasks among the members.
Pyramids, rectangular solids, and cubes are but some of the
many possible shapes.
Who Wins:
The winning team is the one with the greatest number of polyhedra.
Discuss the polyhedra which the various groups have constructed.
Point out common solids; also point out innovative, unusual polyhedra which
groups have constructed such as the "church steeple," truncated
pyramids, and the like. You may wish to have groups categorize their solids.
Then ask the various groups to define the criteria they used for their categories.
Sketching Polyhedra:
Ask each group member to select his "favorite polyhedron"
and draw a sketch of it. Then each one should show his sketch to another
member and ask him to identify it from the sketch. Ask each member to sketch
a new polyhedron which would fit into one of their categories but which
the group did not build. Have groups share sketches with the class.
Shapes Sheet

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