
-an introduction



Students will be introduced to the concept of algorithms. Students will be able to follow simple algorithms including branches, sequences and loops as well as create their own written algorithms for familiar procedures

Materials :


When you break down any process into steps you are creating an algorithm. Some algorithms consist of a simple sequence of steps. Other algorithms may ask you to make decisions {for example, If...then... or a branch}, while others will contain a loop. A loop is a group of steps that are repeated for a designated number of times or until some given condition is met.

Using the worksheet "How to ______________________" students will walk through the process of an algorithm for finding the intersection of two lines in a Cartesian plane. The algorithm is simple, and contains a loop. Students will answer questions to confirm understanding of the specific process, the concept of an algorithm as well as the concept of loop.


Students should be asked to create algorithms to find:

These algorithms will be used in the following lessons to program the TI-92 calculator to perform these functions.



*Handout "How to ______________"

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