Class HomePage
Mary Eager
Send email to meager@moe.coe.uga.edu
A special hello and THANKS to members of the LCHS Math Team
The briefest of biographies
Essays for EMT 669
Parametric equations
Prolific ellipse
with the Cycloid
Instructional Unit on Parametric
Introductory Exploration
and Assessment
Parametric Equations
for Lines
Using Parametric
Equations to Model Projectile Motion
Project for EMT 670
How does a teacher do the impossible? Meet all the QCC objectives
as well as implementing the NCTM standards? Incorporate technology into
teaching and assessment strategies? In the spring with juniors and seniors?
Here's the account of how I attempt the impossible. If you're interested,
see the big project as a start. The Big Project
What happens the day the assignment is due and no student
can access their work? High tech is great, if it works. Journal Two continues
the saga.Journal two
Students respond in their journal topics to the experience
of testing using this method of writing an essay on a randomly chosen conic
section. Journal Three summarizes their writings.Journal
The initial activity with exponential functions lends itself
to computer exploration. A description of the activity follows.Journal Four
Students develop understanding of exponential functions using
a spreadsheet to create and solve problems of their own design. The interested
reader clicks here for a description of the activity and a sample of student
work.Journal Five
Students use a spreadsheet as an introduction to the number
e. A description follows in Journal Six
Graphing caluclators provide a visual method for estimating solutions to
logarithmic and exponential equations. A brief description is in Journal Seven
In conclusion...did I accomplish the impossible??? I did incorporate technology
in my teaching and assessment strategies in the spring with all my students...Do
the students know more mathematics than they would have using more traditional
techniques???Thats a difficult question to answer objectively. I do know
they've enjoyed the experience and are better able to communicate their
thoughts about mathematics. They certainly know more about the use of computers
and calculators as tools to enhance learning mathematics. I feel successful
for having the courage and encouragement to complete this project in the
spring 1996. Thanks, Dr.Wilson.