EMAT 8990

Spring 2001

Call #87-167


Rethinking Mathematics Education

from a

Critical Pedagogy Perspective



Critical pedagogy "challenges educators to recognize, engage, and critique (so as to transform) any existing undemocratic social practices and institutional structures that produce and sustain inequalities and oppressive social identities and relations.... [it] is primarily concerned with the kinds of education theories and practices that encourage both students and teachers to develop an understanding of the interconnecting relationship among ideology, power and culture."


This one hour weekly seminar is open to all UGA graduate students.


Meeting Time:

Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:00 pm Aderhold Room 102

Seminar Contacts:

Amy Hackenberg

(706) 542-4194

Brian Lawler

David Stinson

Seminar Advisor

Denise Mewborn


Course Syllabus pdf file
Annotated Bibliography
Course Schedule pdf file
Mid-course Reflections
Course Participants
End-of-course Reflections


Seminar participants will

  1. explore one's own beliefs about education with the purpose of developing a definition of public education
  2. define the role of mathematics education in this constructed definition of public education
  3. understand the tenets of critical pedagogy
  4. examine current school structures and practices, and their impact on their participants
  5. move towards action in creating a sustained community in the form of an ongoing publication.



Course Structure


Final Products


Authors & Researchers in the Genre

Michael Apple Eric Gutstein Peter McLaren
James A. Banks bell hooks Terezinha Nunes
Bill Bigelow Piet Human Donald Schon
Larry Cuban Joe L. Kincheloe Ira Shor
Beatriz D'Ambrosio Jonathon Kozol Ole Skovsmose
Lisa Delpit Kevin Kumashiro Christine Sleeter
Paul Ernest Gloria Ladson-Billings Shirley S. Steinberg
Marilyn Frankenstein Patti Lather William Tate
Paulo Freire Daniel Liston Julian Weissglass
Henry A. Giroux Donaldo P. Macedo  
Maxine Greene    


Web Resources

Critical Pedagogy (at Univerity of Colorado-Denver) http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~mryder/itc_data/crit_ped.html
Rethinking Schools http://www.rethinkingschools.org/
Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Issues in Mathematics Education (at UGA) http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/DEPT/Multicultural/mebib94.html
National Coalition for Equity in Education (at UCSB) http://www.math.ucsb.edu/NCEE/
Rage & Hope (at University of Texas) http://www.perfectfit.org/ct/index2.html
Illuminations: The Critical Theory Website http://www.uta.edu/huma/illuminations/
The Critical Project (at University of West Virginia) http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/opening.html
Mathematics Education and Society http://www.congress-consult.com/mes3/
Philosophy of Math Education http://www.ex.ac.uk/~PErnest/
Network of Educators on the Americas


Speak Truth to Power http://www.speaktruthtopower.org


Comments? Questions? Send e-mail to Amy Hackenberg ahackenb@coe.uga.edu
Brian Lawler blawler@coe.uga.edu
David Stinson dstinson@coe.uga.edu
Dr. Denise Mewborn dmewborn@coe.uga.edu

Last updated May 24, 2001

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