Student Activity Day 7

~ Centroid ~ Incenter ~

Student Activity

We will begin by doing investiagtions with Geometer's Sketchpad.

Click here for centroid investiagtions.

Now we will do investigations for the incenter.

Please click here to begin.

Applications involving orthocenter and incenter

1.  In triangle PQR, medians QT and PS are concurrent at C.  PC = 4x - 6, CS = x. 

      Find:  a.  x                  b.  PS


2.   One event at this year's Battle of the Classes will be a pie-eating contest between the sophomore, junior, and senior classes.  Five members of each class will be positioned on the football field at the points indicated below.  At the whistle, one student from each class will run to the pie table, eat exactly one pie, and run back to his or her group.  The next student will then repeat the process.  The first class to eat five pies and return to home base will be the winner of the pie-eating contest.  Where should the pie table be located so that it will be a fair contest?  Describe how the contest planners should find that point.



3.   Birdy Mc Fly is designing a large triangular hang glider.  She needs to locate the center of gravity for her glider?  Which point does she need to locate?


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