Day 5: Triangle Congruence - Continued


Richard Moushegian

Objective: (same as Day 3)

GA QCC: #16

Lesson: Triangle Congruence (ASA, AAS)

NAME: ____________________________

1. In the previous day's lesson, you studied the SSS and SAS Triangle Congruence Postulates. In this lesson, there are 2 more postulates/theorems to prove that 2 triangles are congruent (to each other):

ASA: Angle-Side-Angle Triangle Congruence Postulate

AAS: Angle-Angle-Side Triangle Congruence Theorem

(meaning 2 angles and an outside side of one triangle...)

2. In the above figure, are the 2 triangles congruent? ____________

Why? _____________________________________________________

3. In the next figure (above), are the triangles congruent? ____________


4. Click HERE (Figure 3) to answer the following questions. To prove the triangles are congruent, state which postulate/theorem you would use (ASA or AAS), both, or neither.

4a. ______________________ 4b. ______________________

4c. ______________________ 4d. ______________________

4e. ______________________ 4f. ______________________


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