Final Part 4

by Keith Leatham

A. I felt I learned the most mathematics while I was working on writing a script for constructing a pentagon. I wanted to learn more about the Golden Ratio, so I searched the internet for some information. Here are a few of the sites I found that were helpful:

Some Golden Geometry

Golden Ration Page (Not helpful-but fun)

The Golden Ration (This is a page of Geometry projects from Capital High School)

I then made these scripts for my library:

Construct a Golden Rectangle

Divide a segment into the golden ratio

Construct a pentagon given the length of a side

Construct a pentagon given the length of the radius

B. The assignment about which I felt the most happy was my Assignment 11. I enjoyed learning how to use "Theorist" and exploring different polar equations. Mostly, however, once I decided what to do for my write-up11, I enjoyed the creativity.

C. Write-up 4 is what I would consider to be my most thorough assignment even though it was one of the shortest. I learned a lot about GSP and how to present things. I learned that there are a lot more things to learn how to do on GSP--that I have a fairly naive knowledge at this point. And I learned how much fun it can be to lay out a proof as concisely as possible.

D. Perhaps my desire to do Final2 is the best indication of my response to this criterion. I developed/redeveloped a love for geometery. The beauty of it was made manifest to me in several ways. GSP holds a bright light above the plane and the proofs seem so self satisfying. I am probably not expressing myself very well here--the point I am trying to make is that I have developed a greater love of Geometry,a desire to improve my own abilities in this area, and plan to include some aspects of Geometry in my future studies here at UGA.