The Pythagorean Theorem


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


















Lesson 2


Four groups of students will each be given a different GSP file that is expected to lead to one of four proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem.  Each GSP file  has a diagram particular to one of the four expected proof strategies, as well as a hint that can be hidden as students begin to work on the problem but shown if they get stuck.  Of course, students may come up with their own proof of the theorem, rather than the one the diagram is expected to lead them to.  For this reason, groups who produce more than one valid proof of the theorem will receive extra credit.  Groups will present their proofs to the class at the end of the unit.

I chose these four proofs because a) each is understandable by a high school student, b) each takes advantage of a different aspect of GSP, and c) each approaches the theorem in a different way.

Proof 1, one of the simplest proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem, combines geometric reasoning (the whole is equal to the sum of its parts) and algebraic reasoning ((a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2).  Using GSP, students can see a and b as changeable lengths, rather than as the fixed lengths they might imagine in a by-hand drawing.  Students can also develop a geometric understanding of why (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, using the "Show Rectangles" button.

With the diagram for Proof 2, students can not only discover a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem but can also use GSP’s dynamic nature to manipulate the triangle to make new conjectures.  For instance, students can change b until the center square disappears, then they can determine what must be true about the original triangle in order for the center square to reduce to a single point.  Because GSP’s ease of use encourages this type of exploration—students need only to drag a point to notice new things—this proof diagram is better than manual drawings.

Proof 3 uses both GSP's measuring capabilities and its Transform features to lead students toward a proof.  The two small green triangles are reproduced to the right of the main diagram to suggest to students that they are similar to the original right triangle; proving this fact is an important part of this proof strategy.  In addition, the measurements at the top of the screen show students, as they move the vertices of the triangle, that the square of side length c consists of one rectangle of area a2 and another of area b2.

Proof 4 begins with an unusual construction, so GSP’s action buttons are useful in showing students where the diagram came from and how it relates to the original triangle.  Simply giving students such a strange diagram with a wordy explanation about its construction would likely confuse them; however, with GSP, students can watch as the diagram is constructed, thereby gaining a better understanding of how the blue triangle was created from the yellow one.

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