The Pythagorean Theorem


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


















Lesson 3

Lesson Plan

Math 1


One (or two) 50-minute class period(s), or part of one 90-minute block (or a whole one)


Students will review or discover the Triangle Inequality.

Students will extend the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the relationship between a2, b2, and c2 for acute and obtuse triangles.

Students will investigate probability, including conditional probability, as it relates to the types of triangles formed by given side lengths.

Students will learn more about the Law of Large Numbers.

NCTM Content & Process Standards Addressed:

Number and Operations (develop an understanding of permutations and combinations as counting techniques)

Data Analysis and Probability (use simulations to explore the variability of sample statistics from a known population; use sampling distributions as the basis for informal inference; use simulations to construct empirical probability distributions; understand the concept of conditional probability)

Problem Solving (build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving)

Connections (recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas; understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole)

Representation (create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas)

GPS Content & Process Standards Addressed:

MM1G3b (understand and use the triangle inequality)

MM1D1a,b (determine the number of outcomes related to a given event)

MM1D2c (calculate conditional probabilities)

MM1P1b (solve problems that arise in mathematics)

MM1P4a (recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas)

MM1P5a,b (represent mathematics in multiple ways)

Supplies and Resources:

3 sets of five balls or notecards labeled 1 through 5

3 bags to hold the balls (optional - could hold notecards upside down instead)

Uncooked spaghetti, straws, compasses (optional - manipulatives for Triangle Inequality activity)


At least 22 blank notecards

Two Fathom files (see files)




Introduction (25 minutes)

Let a student draw one ball out of each of the three bags.  Discuss: Do we really need three bags?  How could we do the same type of thing with only one bag?  (Answer: draw three times, with replacement.)

Ask students whether the three numbers drawn could be the side lengths of a triangle.  (Students may use spaghetti or straws cut to the correct length, compass constructions, or other types of reasoning.)  How can you tell?

Generalize: If a, b, and c are three numbers (where c is the largest of the three), what must be true in order for the three numbers to be the side lengths of a triangle?  (This will go in students' write-ups.)

Have students determine all possible triplets of the numbers in the bag that could be the side lengths of a triangle.  (This will go in students' write-ups.)  Have students compare their lists.  Discuss: Why is it important to be systematic when making your list?

If students argue about whether 1-3-3 should be the same as 3-1-3, say that for now it is convenient to count them as the same.

Write a "master list" on the board (see files for correct master lists).  Have students determine whether each triplet forms an acute, obtuse, or right triangle.  Students can begin by working with manipulatives, but then should be able to directly apply the following: if a2 + b2 > c2, the triangle is acute; <, the triangle is obtuse; =, the triangle is right.

Write these triplets on notecards (e.g., one notecard will say 1-1-2) and place them in a bag.  Have a student draw a card from the bag.
Determine the theoretical probability of drawing an acute-, right-, or obtuse-triangle-forming triplet from the bag.  (This will go in students' write-ups.)

Triplets Simulation (20 minutes)

Run the Fathom simulation once, sampling 10 pieces of data.  Determine experimental probabilities for acute, right, and obtuse.  Compare to theoretical probabilities.  Repeat for 50, 100, 1000 pieces of data.

Discuss: Why would the experimental probabilities be closer to the theoretical probabilities when we sample more data?  (Answer: Law of Large Numbers)

Discuss: Do you think we calculated our theoretical probabilities correctly?

Wrap-Up (5 minutes)

Why wasn't our simulation data perfect?  Discuss theoretical versus experimental probability.  (Students will answer this question in their write-up.)

What happened as we collected larger data sets?  Why?  (Students will answer this question in their write-up.)

OneAtATime Simulation (45-50 minutes on the next day - optional)

Again, have a student draw three numbers, with replacement.  Using yesterday's work, what is the probability that these three numbers form any type of triangle at all?

Do you think the probability of drawing an acute-, right-, or obtuse-triangle-forming set of three numbers in this way would be the same as the probabilities we found yesterday?

Run the OneAtATime Simulation.  Ask students how many pieces of data they want to collect and why.  Calculate experimental probabilities.  Are these experimental probabilities close to the theoretical probabilities we found yesterday?  Why not?

This data includes non-triangles.  Let's filter out all the non-triangles.  So given the fact that the three numbers form a triangle, do you think the probabilities would be the same?

Run the simulation again, with the filter on.  Are these experimental probabilities close to the theoretical probabilities we found yesterday?  Why not?

How many ways were there to draw, say, 2-3-4 yesterday?  (Answer: Only one.)  How many ways are there to draw it today?  (Answer: 3! = 6.).  So there are more than 22 possible results of this experiment.  How many are there?  (Answer:  65.  Students need to calculate the number of ways to get each triplet, then sum these numbers.  See files for all possibilities.)

So what are our theoretical probabilities for this scenario (given that the three numbers form the sides of a triangle)? (*) (This will go in students' write-ups).

Now let's include all the non-triangles again.  How many possible outcomes are there now?  What are the theoretical probabilities for this scenario?  What is the relationship between your answer to this question and your answer to (*)?  (Answer: They are the probabilities in (*), multiplied by the probability that a drawn triplet makes a triangle.)  Relate this fact to conditional probability.  (This will go in students' write-ups).

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