In the first graph of the equation D= the graph is a point at D=0 b ecause that is the only point in which the graph can be equal to zero is when x=3 and y=4. The circle after that point is formed because their is a number of different coordinates that will satisfy the equation. As the D increase the circle increases because there is a larger number of coordinates that would satisfy the equation. D can never be negative because taking the square root of a negative number would yield a complex number.


In the second graph of the equation D= the graph much like the first graph. The difference is that values that will yield D at a particular value will be different. At D=0 the graph is a point (-5,-2). Then the graph expands out from this point yield all the possible values that x and y could be to yield the point represented on the graph.


The next set of graphs are the two previous graphs without the center point and appear to be the same in all senses.


In the third graph is a graph of . In this graph the graph looks very similar to the first two only the dot has expanded to a full circle. This is because the area of numbers that can satisfy the equation at a ten value will be greater than at a different level higher than that. When look at the two points from the previous two graphs (3,4) and (-5,-2) they produce a C value of ten.


In the fourth graph . In this graph the graph is distorted from the form that we have seen previously. When the graph is exmained at a very close range, there is two points at which this graph has points (3,4) and (-5,-2). From these two points the circles that satisfy this equation then expand from these two points, for the same reasons as above. The circles get bigger to the point that then they intersect and form there own circles.



