More with STAT-CALC

    One of the most exciting features on this calculator is the ability to do some correlation and regression analysis on sets of data.  Follow the steps below to make use of these features.
Let's begin by entrering data into lists 1 and 2.
Be sure that Stat-Plot 1 is on and looks like this screen.
Now, press the following sequence of keys:  STAT, right arrow, 4, and ENTER.  These keystrokes perform a linear regression model on our data.  Notice we get our a and b values as well as our correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination.  If your screen doe not look like this, press 2nd, 0, and choose DIAGNOSTICON, then press  .  When the screen says DONE, perform the regression steps again.
We can insert our new equation into the y= menu by using the following key strokes.  First press Y= and clear any old equations you see.  Next press the VARS button then option 5.  Press the right arrow twice to highlight the EQ option, and choose option 1 RegEQ.  Your screen should look like the following.  Notice that our linear model does not seem to fit the data really well.
Use the stat calc menu to perform a quadratic line of best fit.  Follow the same directions as above except choose the QuadReg option on the menu screen.  Still our results are not fully acceptable.
Try again with cubic regression.  It seems that we are getting closer.
Finally!  We found a curve that seems to fit the data very well.
You can also perform quite a few other types of regression models with the TI-83 Plus.  Try them on your own.

    That ends our tour of the STAT-CALC menu.  Use the links below to move to the next section of interest to you.

Main Page | Getting Started | Graphical Displays | Stat-Calc menu
Stat-Test menu | Probability | Links