How many lines of symmetry are possible for a 27 sided polygon?
One example of a 27 sided polygon:
What is a polygon? What is an n sided polygon? Here we have n = 27.
What is meant by line of symmetry? How could an image symmetric to a line be constructed?
Click here for a 27 sided figure with 27 lines of symmetry?
Can you answer the question for n = 4? . . . n = 4? . . . n = 5? n = 6?
Note: A polygon does not have to be convex.
Construct a 27 sided figure with 0 lines of symmetry.
Construct a 27 sided figure with 1 line of symmetry.
How many lines of symmetry for the polygon shown above?
Others? Click here for GSP Sketches.
How may lines of symmetry are possible for an n sided polygon?
Develop a strategy for generating GSP sketches showing lines of symmetry in polygons with n sides.