Exploring Parallelograms


Paper triangle, sheet of paper, pencil, protractor, ruler


1.  Pick one side of your triangle.  Fold that side in half to find its midpoint.

2.  Trace the triangle onto your sheet of paper.  Think carefully about where you want to put the triangle on your paper to trace it.

3.  Rotate the triangle 180 degrees about the midpoint that you found.

4.  Trace the triangle after it has been rotated.

5.  Label the vertices of your figure with the letters A, B, C, and D as in the figure below.  Also label the point that you rotated about with the letter X.


1.      What kind of figure have you created?  ____________________

 2.      How are the two triangles related?

The two triangles are _______________.

Opposite Sides of a Parallelogram

3.      Use your ruler to measure sides AB and CD.

Length of AB __________

Length of CD __________

 4.      Use your ruler to measure sides BC and DA.

Length of BC __________

Length of DA __________

 5.     Looking at your answers to numbers 4 and 5, complete the following theorem.
The opposite sides of a parallelogram are _______________.

Opposite Angles of a Parallelogram

6.      Use your protractor to measure ÐBAD and ÐDCB.

Measure of ÐBAD  __________

Measure of ÐDCB  __________

7.      Use your protractor to measure ÐADC and ÐCBA.

Measure of ÐADC  __________

Measure of ÐCBA  __________

8.      Looking at your answers for numbers 7 and 8, complete the following theorem.

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are _______________.

Consecutive Angles of a Parallelogram

9.      Looking at numbers 7 and 8, calculate the following:

ÐBAD + ÐADC =  __________

ÐADC + ÐDCB =  __________

ÐDCB + ÐCBA =  __________

ÐCBA + ÐBAD =  __________

Looking at your results, complete the following theorem.

The consecutive angles of a parallelogram are _______________.

Diagonals of a Parallelogram

10.  Draw the diagonal AC.  (Use your ruler!!)  Your figure should now look something like the following:

11.  Measure the segments AX and CX.

Length of AX __________

Length of CX __________

12. Measure the segments BX and DX.

Length of BX __________

Length of DX __________  

Looking at your answers for numbers 12 and 13, complete the following theorem.

The diagonals of a parallelogram _______________ each other.

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