Square Within a Square

Nicole Mosteller

EMAT 6690

How do we find the equation for the line created by the traced point (x, y)?

Graph 1: Recall from the previous investigation, the line above represents the trace of the point (x, y) where

x = the position of Point 1 as it animates along line AB, and

y = the ratio of the area of the squares WXYZ:ABCD.

Method of Investigation

Although other investigations into this problem have used the distance formula to arrive at an equation for the graph of the above line, I have chosen to use several of the known values in the graph and approach an eqation for the graph using calculus.

Given Information from the Graph

There are several known values from the graph: (-1, 2), (0, 1), and (1,0).

A maximum value occurs at x = -1, and

a minimum value occurs at x = 1.

There is a horizontal asymptote at y = 1.

An inflection point is at (0,1).

Additional known Facts

From the given information and from the nature of the graph, we can assume several additional facts about the equation of the curve.

* The horizontal asymptote symbolizes a rational equation (polynomial divided by a polynomial).

* Because the asymptote occurs at y = 1, the polynomials must be of the same degree, and their lead coefficients must be equal.

* Polynomials of odd degrees can be ruled out because of the number of roots.

The Equation

Using the given information and additional know facts, let's start our investigation using an equation of degree two.

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