Class Page



Ji Sun Kim

Send me an e-mail


Something about me.

          Hi~ I'm Ji Sun and come from Korea. If you want know me more, Click Here!


Some links I like.


The Program of Mathematics Education

MacTutor History of Mathematics Site -- St. Andrew's University

Math Forum (alias Geometry Forum)

Furman University Mathematical Quotation Server

Project InterMath

Seoul National University

Department of Mathematics Education of Seoul National University

Mathlove (Association of Korean Mathematics Teacher)

Turtle Microworld (Computer and Math Education of Seoul National University)




 Assignment 1:

Sine Curve

Assignment 2:

Quadratic function

 Assignment 3:

 Assignment 4:

 Assignment 5:

GSP Scripts

 Assignment 6:

 Assignment 7:

Tangent Circle

 Assignment 8:

 Assignment 9:

 Assignment 10:

 Assignment 11:

 Assignment 12:








Final Assignment A- Bouncing Barney

Final Assignment B- Ceva's Theorem



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