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Leighton McIntyre




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The Program of Mathematics Education

MacTutor History of Mathematics Site -- St. Andrew's University

Math Forum (alias Geometry Forum)

Furman University Mathematical Quotation Server

Project InterMath

Vi Hart

A tutorial for EMAT 6680

 Assignment 1:

Linear Functions

Assignment 2:

Quadratic Functions

 Assignment 3:

XB plane Investigations

 Assignment 4:

Nine Point Circle



 Assignment 5:

GSP Scripts

 Assignment 6:

Triangle Given Medians.

 Assignment 7:

Tangent Circles Investigations

 Assignment 8:

Orthic Triangle Proofs

 Assignment 9:

Pedal Triangles Investigations

 Assignment 10:

Parametric Equation of the Cycloid

 Assignment 11:

Polar Equation Investigations.

 Assignment 12:

Compound Interest


Final Assignment

Rational Equation

Square Inscribed in a Semicircle

Additional Assignment 4

Materials for EMAT 6690

EMAT 6690 Essays

Egyptian Mathematics and Computers

Ceva's Theorem

Ptolemy's Theorem, Golden Ratio and Applications.


EMAT 6690 Instructional Unit

Fathom 2 Statistical Unit

Geometers Sketchpad SketchPad Instructional Unit



Materials for EMAT 6600

Twenty topics marked with * are considered the best write ups by Leighton.

The problems are grouped as follows:

Geometry Problems 1-17

Trigonometry Problems 18 - 21

Algebra Problems 22 - 25

Conversion Problems 26 - 29

Mean Problems 30 - 35

Environmental Problem 36

Mixture of All Problems 37 - 40

1.100 Degree Isosceles Triangle *

2. Area of Lunes 1

3. Area of Lunes 2

4. Areas of Rectangle *

5. Bouncing Barney *

6. Compare Radicals

7. Cone Half Full *


8. Goat tethered to Barn*

9. Incircles*

10. Inscribed Quadrilaterals*

11. Island Treasure*

12. Minimum Perimeter Inscribed Triangle

13. Ratio On A Line Segment

14. Squares on the sides of Parallelograms*

15. Three Adjacent Squares*

16. Sublime Triangle

17. Squaring a Rectangle*

18. Bridge Expansion Problem

19. Cos 36 degrees

20. Ratio of Sines

21. Segments in Trig Drawing*

22. 7-11*

23. McNuggets*

24. A Tangled Tale*

25. Candy Problem

26. Big Tires

26. Cubic Foot

28. Million Drops of Water

29. Volume of Can

30. Cost of Fencing*

31. MaximumAreaSector

32. MinimumSurfaceAreaCan*

33. Combining Rates

34. Segments in a Circle

35. Sum and Product

36. Distance Survey *

37. Census Taker

38. Grass Oxen*

39. Magic Squares*

40. Change For Dollar

Extra: SMADness


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